So I have been on vacation at my parent's house in Arkansas and one of the things we did was go to Silver Dollar City. I absolutely loved going as a kid and I loved going again the other day. Audrey had a blast until she got soaked, cold and then overly tired. I'm sure that her range of emotions was typical for a 2 year old.
I didn't get a picture of it, but for her safety and my sanity I bought her a leash. Yes, I was one of many parent's that had their kids leashed up like a dog. I remember seeing that as a kid and vowing to NEVER do that to my kids. Well, then I had a kid and I now get it and am totally on board with it!
Audrey walked her little legs off, but she had fun. I hope. If not, oh well. She won't remember it anyway! Here are the pictures in no order what-so-ever.
After the stupid boys soaked all of us with the standing water guns while we were on a boat ride suitable for Audrey's height. She was freezing!

Not sure what to think about the frog ride.
not sure at all!