I just can't believe that Audrey turned 5 months old on Christmas day. I can't believe how the time has flown by. It feels like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant instead of year ago. This is around the time we started telling family and friends we were finally expecting. I still remember the incredible loneliness and fear I felt when my doctor said we might have trouble getting pregnant. I don't know why God chose to bless us with the perfect little girl, but I thank him every night for his gift. It is an awesome responsibility and I never want to take it for granted. Everytime I look at her I have an inkling of what God feels for me (us--his children). I am overwhelmed with my love for Audrey. I heard a girl once say she couldn't believe Jesus got on the cross and died for us. She didn't understand why he made such a sacrifice. I UNDERSTAND why Jesus got on that cross. I can honestly say that to save Audrey's life I would give up my own life in a heartbeat. Jesus paid the price for me (us). I cherish my new understanding of his sacrifice for me (us). We are so blessed!This face just screams of future mischief!

I love her laugh! It makes my heart smile!