Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Lemon-Berry Goodness

I still have nothing to post about so I'll tell you about my mid-afternoon break. I had to fill a prescription today and my pharmacy just happens to be right next to a Sonic. Not a huge thought process here. I made the executive decision to pick up my prescription and a lemon-berry slush as well. I have to have something to wash my pills down with, right? It makes perfect sense to me. Not only did I get my slushy half-price (Sonic's version of Happy Hour), I also avoided a long wait at the pharmacy. Go me!

On a baby related note, Bryan and I find out what we are having soon! I can't wait. I'm hoping I will then have something to blog about. Everyone says once you find out what you are having it is down hill from there. We'll see.


The Kennedy's said...

Their happy hour is a great thing! I love a diet cherry lime diet coke~ Something I didn't have while I was pregnant - so in the past week I have had it 3 times!! :) Can't wait to know who baby Johnson is!

AW said...

Jess, so exciting to know what's coming! I'd make a prediction, but then I'm always wrong, so what's the point. :-P

Leslie said...

Mmmmm, I love Sonic and miss it so much!
Glad things are going well with you guys! Can't wait to find out about a cute little Johnson baby!!!